Mar 28·edited Mar 28Liked by Italiano In 7 Minuti

This, my comment, is about the emotional intelligence of dogs. (Thank you Simone.) My neighbor, who was going on vacation, once asked me to watch and care for her Golden Retriever, a female dog named Sadie, who was rather old. The first day, I myself was very sick, a virus or a flu, and my head hurt, and my whole body was uncomfortable. But It was my obligation to watch Sadie. So, despite my pain, I lay down on a bench in the back garden to watch her poop and eat and exercise. Or, so I "thought." But this day she did not do those things. She was slow and sad. She did nothing for herself. Instead, she came to the bench where I lay and carefully put her head on my chest and pressed deeply as she looked intensely into my eyes. I will never forget that. Never. It wounded my heart. And the next day I was all better. No more virus, no more flu. ... There is also the very touching scene in the Tom Hanks move Cast Away where he is on the ocean, on a raft, lost, hoping to be found, hoping to be rescued, for many days and many weeks -- and suddenly, softly, a huge, gigantic whale comes up from the depths, right next to his raft, and quietly, very quietly, looks at Hanks and the raft with its large, understanding eye, while neither he the man nor it the creature make a sound. Silence. Total emotional understanding, eternal and biological and cosmic. Bill in USA bbvausa@aol.com

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Ciao Simone, sono d'accordo con te. Le idee che scambiamo possono arrichire i nostri pensieri e possono anche farci vedere la vita da una prospettiva diversa da quella che avevamo all'inizio. Sarebbe bello, però, che gli umani fossimo un po' più aperti ad altre idee. Forse ci sarebbe più tolleranza nel mondo. Grazie per queste belle riflessioni!! :)

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Un'altra espressione preferita di George Bernard Shaw: " il problema della comunicazione è che abbiamo l'illusione che sia avvenuta" .Grazie Simone per tutte le tue bellissime lettere stimolanti

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Adoro leggere cose scritte nella strada. Mi fanno sempre riflettere.

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